Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Fast and the Furriest



When you watch trash movies, you instantly become magnetized to anything you can find. Somehow watching bad movies makes the awfulness of life just disappear. After scrolling through a list of movies, I found this movie and felt the absolute need to watch it.

What in the world?

Real life animals race around town in a "scavenger hunt". The scavenger hunt consists of one puzzle which has nothing to do with anything. Spoiler alert: I can't tell who this movie is actually for. Some humor is for kids and some humor is for the more mature.

Personal Thoughts

I honestly cannot tell if I loved or hated this movie. Yes the characters would appeal to a five year old but I couldn't help but love the Irish kangaroos and the toll booth baby alligator. The movie had so many subplots that at times you just wanted to jump into a little pit and never climb out.


I have to give this movie a 5/10. The script was atrocious but it had some good moments written in. The animals were always so deadpan and it made the movie one thousand times better especially when they tried to show emotion. The best part of the movie was not even in the movie. My dog just started freaking out after watching it for a bit. So this is either a kids movie or a teens movie. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Friday, September 10, 2021

SpacePOP: Princess Power



When you've been watching Monster High to pass the time you've hit a new low. After scrolling through recommended movies after that I stumbled on to this monstrosity. 

What in the world?

SpacePOP was originally a show that got a couple of TV specials (this one included). This movie was meant to spread messages about freedom or not being an average princess I guess.

Personal Thoughts

Oh my gosh where to even begin. Spoiler alert. The movie just straight up ends. The plot was actually beginning to appear and then boom credits. Oh and the cute toy-selling pets were very annoying and only spoke in beat box. Oh and every other minute you would be bombarded with a song about nothing basically. 


I would give this "movie" a 0/10 but it did have a rebel leader named Captain Handsome so that brings it up to a 1/10. If you value your sanity, then I highly recommending staying away from this thing with every fiber of your being. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher