Sunday, October 22, 2023

A Picture Perfect Royal Christmas



This may still be October, but since Hallmark has started their official Countdown to Christmas, that means I should start mine too right?

What in the world?

A professional photographer's assistant goes to a foreign country to take pictures while she poses as said professional photographer. This was all against her will by the way. You can blame her friend for this movie.

Personal thoughts

This movie was actually kind of fun to watch. I mean my family is a sucker for royal Christmas movies and so this would have been watched one day anyway. I hated when he fell and did that knee thing. It just didn't flow naturally and it was stupid as heck. I mean why would a prince trip on a carpet. No, you can't make the argument of her being pretty. That's not a real reason to trip. The king's chief of protocol was an interesting character and he would have been the best character if he didn't do anything he wanted. He also helped out the main evil lady because he's in love with her which is so unrealistic like come on. She barely even gave him the time of day. He also would say, "It is I, Stanley Chief of Protocol, " which was a nice thing to hear every now and then. Oh, the main lady's friend had weird, drunk energy the whole movie which didn't really seem like the vibe because it was usually nighttime and I don't know what was happening there. 


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. The way they caught the evil lady so the main lady could have redemption was pretty hilarious, but the entirety of the schemes were just too much. I didn't need an incident to occur at almost every event she needed to take pictures at. There were seven events and a million lines of plot. It just didn't really even out in the end. The queen was also the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen in a movie. I have no idea what any of her motivation was, but near the end she just has a sudden shift because her husband had to remind her of the past. It was like weird queen amnesia.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Friday, October 6, 2023

The Dragon Spell



I wanted to have something on while I did homework and decided to see what Tubi recommended. Tubi didn't really recommend anything good so I decided to find this instead. 

What in the world?

Some kid whose dad murdered a dragon ends up going to destroy said dragon. The dragon spirit was never destroyed that's why that is a valid statement. He ends up collaborating with a bat and they both find romance. 

Personal thoughts

I enjoyed this movie a little bit. I mean the jokes were not very good and the characters were kind of stupid. I mean the one person was clearly a girl but they kept saying he which confused me. I mean I get what they were doing but once they found out she was a girl things went down hill. The one kid said she looked beautiful and they shared a glance. Not just like a regular glance like a love glance. AND THE BAT FOUND LOVE! I hated that bat so much because he was the comic relief but he sucked at his job. I mean he literally was so annoying. He ended up kissing a squirrel and it ruined me. It was so awful.


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. The movie started off pretty great and then it started to go down hill. The girl was basically in denial about her magic powers and just thought that animals loved her. That was pretty strange. I did not like how every character we followed ended up with someone or something like a squirrel. I will not get over that it was really bad. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Osmosis Jones



I figured it had been a while since I watched a movie and decided to head to Tubi to see if I could find anything. I ended up watching this one because it seemed like a bad movie that was animated.

What in the world?

A white blood cell in an idiot zookeeper tries to stop him from being killed by the Red Death. Oh this movie is half animated and half real people by the way. It's not creepy at all.

Personal thoughts

I didn't find myself enjoying this movie as much as I usually do. I mean watching a movie in general because I had never seen this movie. It was kind of just really shocking every time it switched from animation to the real people. There were actually a couple of famous people in the movie like Chris Rock and Bill Murray. Oh there was this weird part with fake eyelashes on a school bus which was actually essential to the plot. I won't spoil why they are important just know that they were and it was very strange. 


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. The jokes were really bad and it was kind of painful to get through. Kind of like (blast from the past) Wownow but without any actual enjoyment. My sister walked in near the end and probably regretted everything that she saw. That's ok though because it ended and we were all thankful.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher