Our family is trying to make our own superhero universe and this goes in with Pumaman.
What in the world?
An alien comes to Earth to save the Earth from villains. He has a human identity and that part kind of confuse me.
Personal thoughts
This movie was so funny. The theme song was really bad. They must have been first time trumpet players because they could not hit one of the notes and it happened multiple times. I think that they should have had someone else write the music. Supersonic (actual name) flying was amazing. He had to change the way he flied every 3 seconds. It seemed pretty effective though. I thought this movie was pretty funny. Supersonic was interesting because he had basically any power under the sun. He could manipulate objects and he also changed objects into different ones. He also flies and has super strength. His only weakness is his ability to echolocate or whatever. He was literally only stopped because of too high of frequencies.
I have to give this movie an 8 out of 10. It was pretty funny and I would definitely watch it again. One of the funniest parts was when he lifted up a construction car of some time and put it down so that a car would explode. The car exploding was so funny because it was really unwarranted. They veered off to the side and then the car exploded. The main character was very strange because he had a bracelet to turn into the hero and he used it (obviously). SPOILER! At the end of the movie, he gives it to the comic relief drunk and he gets taken back to space. First of all, I did not like the comic relief drunk because he just gave off weird vibes. Secondly, I don't understand how that works. Was he always that human or was the bracelet given to him? If he was an alien, why would he be willing to give up the bracelet for a girl? Was it for love? I didn't really get that part.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher