Welcome back to another Hallmark Bingo. I don't think it needs any more explanation.
What in the world?
A house flipper reality show person gets a magic letter from Santa granting a wish from 25ish years ago. She must choose the right Nick or risk losing the love of her life forever. At the same time as this, she is redoing her childhood home for her Christmas special. The three Nicks were probably the fan favorite of the house since they weren't leading other people on.
Personal thoughts
I hate how this movie was actually decent. Everyone that watched it laughed multiple times. My dad was watching it and he laughed a decent amount. He hates these kinds of movies so that was a surprise. The three Nicks had to be a fan favorite. I mean they weren't leading someone on so that helped in their favor. The rest of this movie was watching the lady go on dates with three Nicks. SPOILER!!! There are actually four Nicks.
I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. It was pretty good, but it was also a Hallmark movie. Hate me all you want, but the acting in the movie was still really bad. The beginning of the conflict was really interesting. I liked that part a lot. Oh! The way that Santa communicated was using the same letter paper, but changing the words on it. That was pretty amusing to see the stupid letter light up and play the same bell sounds all the time.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher