My mom recommended that my sister and I watch this, but we've just been busy. We finally found the time to watch it so we did.
What in the world?
A giant bird alien is terrorizing the world and only an engineer knows how to save the world from doom.
Personal thought
I can understand why my mom wanted me to watch this movie. One of the things that was a bother was all my favorite characters kept dying. Poor Pete survived a plane crash and then died after sitting up. I mean that's not very nice. The romance in this movie was really strange. I mean it had the two people get together almost immediately. That was pretty strange. It seemed very wrong. I did like the giant bird that was being used. He was just a special kind of ugly.
I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. It was pretty good, but I don't know. Something felt like it was missing. There were parts that were very slow and draggy. I mean the professor explaining atoms to me was not something that I wanted to watch for 5 minutes. I think I know that atoms make up a lot of things. Other than that though, I highly recommend this movie.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher