It was time to make someone else watch Wownow. To be fair, Thanksgiving is next month but might as well get a head start. This time I made my sister watch it so my mom had a teeny tiny break.
What in the world?
After a parrot steals some very important gems, a turkey must go and save Thanksgiving. He teams up with some kind of ancient bird so that he can take down an evil, pirate parrot.
Personal thoughts
I thought this movie wasn't the worst Wownow film I have watched. The ending was super weird and abrupt but aren't they all. The turkey had the stupidest name of all time but that's besides the point. The humor in this one wasn't the best that I've seen but I'll let it slide.
I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. The scenes always seemed to be in dark lighting. Although I didn't find myself falling asleep, I did feel as though the movie was missing it's Wownow charm. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed this movie but not as much as any of the other ones that I have seen.
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Your fellow film watcher