Again, I needed something to watch. Also, this picture sums up the movie pretty well even though it is very pixelly.
What in the world?
A runaway country singer finds his way to his summer camp summer home and meets a woman. They fall in love for some reason, and such is the way of the romance movie.
Personal thoughts
It was very odd. I thought that the guy lacked personality traits that would be enticing to this single mother. He did give her kid a lot of things but that doesn't mean that you should fall in love. The main guy's brother had more of a character arc through this movie than the actual main character.
I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. It was better than some things I have seen recently but none of the main characters were exactly interesting. They each got their happy ending in the end because the kid just wants her mom to hook up with someone and every other character just wants them to be happy. My boy Billy was the best though and I wish him all the luck setting up his fake record company because when I was looking for a picture for this movie, I found out there was a sequel. AHH (excitement)! I have no idea if it's free or not though so there is that little obstacle.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher