Well of course Amazon has free samples and of course it has dogs. You know I had to watch it.
What in the world?
A girl who wants to make a dog park meets a single dad who wants to develop the same piece of land.
Personal thoughts
Good choice with the puppies. So cute. The chemistry between the two main characters was non-existent and the amount of awkwardness that ensues is way too much. The dialogue is bearable for some of it but then it just falls downhill really quick. "I'll call you". "I'll answer." Those lines broke me. That is great but it doesn't make for a normal human interaction if that was the thing they were going for. Also, the little girl can't do math because she says five reasons to own a dog but then she only gives four. Something either happened in the editing or she just doesn't know how to do math.
I have to give this a 5 out of 10. I think a whole point goes to the dogs because they honestly carried this movie. I mean Fred (imagine normal old man neighbor who is grumpy) was pretty great too and he even had character development which is more than I can say about the main characters. There was also a weird three dog per house law that the lady was violating and I thought that was weird because that's not how the real world works. I did some research and there are some laws requiring dogs and you better watch out for your neighbors if you plan on violating those laws but you didn't hear that from me because obey the laws of where you live obviously.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher