Friday, August 26, 2022

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1985)



I keep getting books turned into movies recommended to me on Tubi. Granted, they are short and just what I need to keep going with my day.

What in the world?

It's just like the book probably. With Captain Nemo the insane and Ned the ever hungry.

Personal thoughts

Alright this movie was kind of boring. Ned wouldn't stop complaining and I just wanted him to shut up. I did find it funny how they just kind of left everyone in the ocean even though it sounded like the man overboard horn was going off. Captain Nemo was a freaking weirdo. I mean I get it man, but you could at least explain some things to them so that I know what's going on. 


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. I did enjoy it a little bit, but I have no prior experience with this book, so I had no idea what was actually going on. I did enjoy Captain Nemo saving the one thing. Environmentalism is pretty cool let's be honest. I mean it's a short movie and I hate how it ends with the weirdest cliffhanger ending which just left me confused. I mean they didn't need to add that line and then the panning shot after it. Just saying. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher