Saturday, September 10, 2022

Time Pirates



It was a Tubi original so I had to watch it. I mean not necessarily but it seemed like it would have been a good idea at the time.

What in the world?

A family band sings some words and gets sent back in time into the pirates time. The absolute best time to be a time pirate.

Personal thoughts

I had seen this band talked about by one of the Youtubers I watched and once I realized that I had seen them before it was too late. The horrible green screen had already made a resounding yes in my heart so I had to watch the whole thing. I mean it wasn't as bad as it could have been honestly. I mean I did get to screenshot one of my favorite characters. I forgot his name but he's dead and he talked as a skeleton. I literally can't remember his name.


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. It had a couple of moments but the songs were just ugh. I mean the beats weren't bad sometimes but all the words seemed the same and they just weren't that good in my opinion. The acting was pretty bad throughout the whole thing and it just seemed like they were doing it to promote a tour or something? I didn't really get the heart from this film and it was clearly directed more for children than anything else. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher