Wednesday, November 9, 2022




I saw this movie a while ago and had been meaning to watch it for the longest time and it finally happened. 

What in the world?

Two random college students get a job in a town where people have a curfew and strange parades are happening in town. That's the best way to describe it without any spoilers.

Personal thoughts

I honestly loved this movie. I mean the frame rate absolutely sucked but other than that I was entertained the whole time. I loved Sharkula's appearances and the random stock footage that they would push onto the screen. Vladimir Constantine was an interesting antagonist and he had the best back story so that's pretty cool. The other characters were kind of boring and I can't blame them. That town had about three or four locations and all of them were equally as boring as the next. 


I have to give this movie an 8 out of 10. I can't explain why I loved this movie so much but I really did. I think it had to be Sharkula. Sharkula is a very good actor and he deserves all the props he can get. I mean he had so many scenes that it was amazing. I think he also had too little scenes as well. He needed more. Everyone else could have died as long as Sharkula survived the whole thing I wouldn't have really cared what happened to anyone. SPOILER! The person who you think is the main protagonist actually isn't. Crazy stuff. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Sweet Autumn



I don't remember why I wanted to watch this but I did and yeah. 

What in the world? 

A girl goes to Vermont to hear her dead aunt's will and finds that she inherits half of her candy shop and tries to get it to go nationwide.

Personal thoughts

This movie was ok. I mean the chemistry was never there and the guy was boring. I mean he got her name wrong. He said he went fishing with Heather but her name was like Maggie or something. That was kind of weird but I mean I guess he looks nice so he's excused. The girl was ok I think except she was trying to push her agenda onto the people there. I mean they listen to her so that's something. 


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. It was pretty boring and I can't remember most of the details off the top of my head. Oh yeah maple candy was a huge hit around the town and investor ex-boyfriend was really into it. Don't forget that. Also keep spares. That's how the end of this movie kind of went and I think it's a nice life lesson to remember. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Pumpkin Everything



The name of this movie had me from the very beginning. I just knew that I was bound to watch it.

What in the world?

A girl hears that her grandpa is hurt so she goes to her hometown of something. She then proceeds to try and get him to sell his store so that he can live at a retirement home. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was decent. I mean Tom was the best part of the movie by far and he was being bamboozled the whole time. The main girl was trying to get him to do things and she wouldn't tell him about it beforehand. He was also just the coolest character because he didn't give a crap about anything. He was very cool and cool. The mom was kind of something since she was falling for the guy who was suing her father (Tom). 


I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. The plot was very strange since she wanted her grandfather's approval but she kind of had it because he owned one of her books. I mean what did she think that meant in her mind. Oh I almost forgot about the fake giant pumpkin that they put onto the truck. It was big and huge but it was just so fake since people could lift it.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher