The name of this movie had me from the very beginning. I just knew that I was bound to watch it.
What in the world?
A girl hears that her grandpa is hurt so she goes to her hometown of something. She then proceeds to try and get him to sell his store so that he can live at a retirement home.
Personal thoughts
This movie was decent. I mean Tom was the best part of the movie by far and he was being bamboozled the whole time. The main girl was trying to get him to do things and she wouldn't tell him about it beforehand. He was also just the coolest character because he didn't give a crap about anything. He was very cool and cool. The mom was kind of something since she was falling for the guy who was suing her father (Tom).
I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. The plot was very strange since she wanted her grandfather's approval but she kind of had it because he owned one of her books. I mean what did she think that meant in her mind. Oh I almost forgot about the fake giant pumpkin that they put onto the truck. It was big and huge but it was just so fake since people could lift it.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher