Monday, January 23, 2023

The Dog Lover's Guide to Dating



My sister absolutely loves dogs. That's the entire reason why we watched this movie. 

What in the world?

A man is desperate to prove his worth to a woman but to do that he needs to get through to her dog. He hires a dog trainer to train him with dogs and then love happens. *shock*

Personal thoughts

This movie was really bad. I mean the main guy and the dog were both named Simon. That's not okay. First of all, that made it really hard to follow what was happening. Second of all, it led to some really horrendous dialogue from the main lady. Most of the characters in this movie were just really weird except for Jacob and Diego. Diego disappeared near the beginning of the movie though which was really sad. Jacob got shafted and lead on though which was even more sad. Justice for Jacob though because he wasn't even that bad of a person. 


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. I would have given it a 1 but the dogs really made it stand out. I mean they're really cute. I didn't like the last line of the movie though. A sequel line would have been better than what was actually said. SPOILER. The last line of the movie was "Good boy, Simon." EW. That is so not ok he's a human. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher