I saw this movie on Tubi and I knew that I had to watch it. Apparently this movie is also called Putting Love to the Test.
What in the world?
Two teachers have to work together to put on a school carnival. They are also helping two students with a dating website that they created. The students made the website and they wanted the teachers on there to have a more wide range website.
Personal thoughts
This movie broke me. I wanted to just yell at the people in this movie and be like "Please just stop whatever you are doing. I can't take it anymore." They were very boring and the main guy made no sense. He overheard what her favorite donut was and then just took it. I don't even know why he did that it's never explained. He also thinks that whatever he does is perfection because he did it. I mean that's some pretty good confidence but still what the heck. Also he sucks with women. I'm going to be honest. He told someone he works with that he wants to keep business and personal separate but then just goes after someone he works with. That's not ok.
I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. It's nothing special but it wasn't the worst thing I've seen in a while. The movie showed the main character going on a couple of dates but they were weird. The one guy that wasn't that bad was really strange though. He only really wanted to go to movies and she acted like that was a normal thing. That guy's personality was entirely about just watching movies. He ended up with the previously mentioned girl so I mean that's fun. The main characters were boring and they deserved each other though,
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher