We were going to search to watch a movie but then this movie fell into our laps. Easter was the next day so it was also thematic as well.
What in the world?
A chocolate company salesperson is going undercover in the chocolate factory to see what's happening with the new machines they are putting in. There is love in this movie too because it's a Hallmark movie.
Personal thoughts
This movie was very odd. It was following the tropes of a Christmas movie but it was with the holiday, Easter. That made the movie even worse because it was weird watching Easter festivals when I've never even heard of one. The main character was doing an undercover boss thing but she was doing a horrible job of it. I feel like before they made their chocolate presentation she should have come clean as being his upper in the company. That was just a personal preference kind of thing. The competing chocolate company was really strange. They would finish each other's thoughts without even thinking about it. That was probably the best dialogue in the whole movie.
I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. The little kid was very annoying and was really dumbed down. I mean she would like make these weird faces and her dialogue was just unrealistic. The only realistic thing she said was "Hippity-hoppity juice". Speaking of that, that juice was insane. The list of ingredients almost sounded like every fruit under the sun. It was wild. I want to talk about the best subplot in this movie. The manager of the factory was complaining about her chair at the beginning of the movie. The undercover boss gets her a new chair and both of the main characters have a line of dialogue for the new chair and it's amazing.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher