Sunday, April 2, 2023

Farmer Seeking Love



This movie came up in my search when I was trying to find the name of the new farmer dating show. I knew that I had to try and watch this movie.

What in the world?

A reality dating producer goes and tries to convince a farmer to be the suitor (aka like the bachelor) on the show. And then the unthinkable happens.

Personal thoughts

This movie had more interesting sub characters than main characters. I mean the producer's friends were cool and her boss was kind of awkward but in a cool way. The farmer's sister was pretty chill in her own right even though she signed her brother up for the dating show without his permission. I think in terms of the movie it wasn't that special. I mean the farmer's main line was just the word "ok." It was pretty much his go to phrase the entire movie. It was the last line too which was so funny. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10 because it was just so boring. I mean all they really talked about was farming and writing basically. It got kind of boring after a while. Also, the farmer only really agreed to do the show because he wanted money. I mean I can't really blame him but it made his entire outlook more negative which made him even more boring somehow. Anyway, there's only one way to end this review. Ok.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher