This movie had been on my watchlist for a while and we needed something to watch that wasn't a Christmas movie so we decided to watch this. I would have preferred a Christmas movie, but this is the next best option I suppose.
What in the world?
It is like Beauty and the Beast except for the fact that it's Christianized and modernized. There's not much else to say about the plot of this movie.
Personal thoughts
This movie was painful. The first 30 minutes felt like an hour and we were sorely disappointed to find out that we were only a third through the movie. There were a couple of good moments in this movie. My favorite part was when the lady was complaining about only doing dry cleaning and that he would have to let her do something else eventually. He responded to that by just saying, "I'll buy more." That would have been awesome if he just kept buying shirts and never letting her do anything. Oh Gaston was awful in this movie. His name was Craig and he was an absolute jerk. He was creepy and yeah just creepy.
I have to give this movie a 1 out of 10. The dry cleaning line really brought the whole movie together. The cinematography was trash and the seasons kept changing wildly. I mean the seasons changing wildly was pretty awesome but it was also very confusing which made the movie worse. Oh and I think they were trying to get their money's worth out of the mansion they rented or own because almost every scene was in a different part of the house. That also made the flow confusing so in the end it didn't really matter.
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Your fellow film watcher