Friday, January 5, 2024

Where Are You, Christmas?



This movie looked interesting just because of the description. The picture above is also another reason that we watched this movie.

What in the world?

A woman wishes on a shipping app for Christmas to not exist and so it happens. This kicks the world into black and white and no Christmas. Oh there is romance in it as well.

Personal thoughts

This movie was very strange. The lady had to go around and remind people of Christmas with items since the word itself had completely lost meaning. It was so strange to hear people say, "I remember Christmas!" and then gain color. I don't know why Christmas not existing meant that there was no color. I mean in this universe what happens the rest of the year. Is there only color during the holiday season? I don't really care though.


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. It was interesting enough to keep me entertained and the plot was very different. One thing I found odd though was the Santa app having the power to get rid of Christmas. One thing I found interesting was that she couldn't leave or communicate with the outside world. I don't know what was up with that. It might be the range of the app. It can only contain one town at a time. Who knows though because I highly doubt there will be a sequel.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher