Thursday, August 8, 2024

Time for You to Come Home for Christmas


I was home for a little bit and we just had to play some Hallmark Bingo.

What in the world?

A single mom goes back home for Christmas and meets a man that is replacing her dead husband as the guitarist for the Veteran's Snow Ball.

Personal thoughts

This movie was pretty boring but it had some good parts. Her kid hit puberty so many times during this movie. His voice changed constantly. First it was high pitched and then it sounded like he was 30 smoking 20 a day. Or maybe just 30. It was very funny. Nothing really happened. The plot of the movie was so small that we almost all missed what the guy was doing. He was just crossing names off a list and we were all really confused. 


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. For being what it is it wasn't that bad. The main romance was pretty interesting. We all thought that she was going to be mad at him for replacing her husband, but she didn't seem to care. She was fine with it. She also took over her mom's bakery because her mom was selling it. Hooray! She moved back to her hometown at the end. Nobody really cares but good for fictional lady. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher