Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Dark Past



This movie came recommended from my mom and it has a lot to do with psychology and I thought it would be interesting.

What in the world?

A psychologist and friends are held hostage by an escaped convict and have to survive the night.

Personal thoughts

I thought this movie was really interesting. The way that the psychologist would talk to the criminal was interesting and it was nice to see the symbolism in the dream. The whole wall conscious thing was cool too and I thought that was interesting because I don't remember learning about it. I did think it was strange that the criminal didn't kill the psychologist because if I were a criminal I wouldn't want to hear what he had to say about my brain and would want to spend my night in silence.


I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. Sometimes the movie was just really boring and it didn't seem all too interesting. I mean the whole thing was cool and how they slowly worked the way to the root of the problem. The ending was really neat. I liked the way it wrapped everything up and the way that the dad's head appeared on the police faces. My sister did walk in at the end and needless to say she was very confused. Oh! The psychologist had a son and he tried to escape but it didn't work too well. SPOILER!! I thought the kid was a goner, but they don't kill him because he's a kid. Thank goodness!

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Time for You to Come Home for Christmas


I was home for a little bit and we just had to play some Hallmark Bingo.

What in the world?

A single mom goes back home for Christmas and meets a man that is replacing her dead husband as the guitarist for the Veteran's Snow Ball.

Personal thoughts

This movie was pretty boring but it had some good parts. Her kid hit puberty so many times during this movie. His voice changed constantly. First it was high pitched and then it sounded like he was 30 smoking 20 a day. Or maybe just 30. It was very funny. Nothing really happened. The plot of the movie was so small that we almost all missed what the guy was doing. He was just crossing names off a list and we were all really confused. 


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. For being what it is it wasn't that bad. The main romance was pretty interesting. We all thought that she was going to be mad at him for replacing her husband, but she didn't seem to care. She was fine with it. She also took over her mom's bakery because her mom was selling it. Hooray! She moved back to her hometown at the end. Nobody really cares but good for fictional lady. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Argoman the Fantastic Superman



Ever since Pumaman, my mom has been trying to create a whole universe of bad super heroes. This guy is our first villain.

What in the world?

A superhero has to stop some evil people from copying world leaders and taking over the world.

Personal thoughts

This movie was kind of boring and the hero wasn't even fun to watch. I mean the guy was a womanizer and it was painful to watch. He brought one of his mistresses to Paris (where the movie takes place). I don't know why he did that. She didn't even do anything. The butler to the guy was more interesting than the actual guy. The villain shows up to his place on accident or on purpose (hard to tell) and sleeps with him because she loses a shooting match. There was also a guy trapped in with a car in his sex dungeon. It was basically a sex dungeon okay. It was a miserable thing to watch as he turned back around when the lady lost the match. His costume is also really ugly, I mean look at the thing. I can't even remember his powers so that's a pity.


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. It was painful to watch the guy do anything. He was just brutal for no reason. The bad guys were basically brutally murdered and they were the most interesting part of the movie. At one point, they go to a ball for the rich and kill dignitaries with glow in the dark makeup. I mean the makeup doesn't kill them but Argoman shoots them in the dark. It's okay they were clones not good guys. OH! At the end of the movie, Argoman flees the police. I remember that. What kind of good guy flees from the police after proving themselves innocent! 

Fun Fact

The movie can also be found under the name The Paris Incident. I thought I would just throw that out into the universe.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher