Tuesday, November 5, 2024

The Most Colorful Time of the Year



When thinking of something to do with my friends, I really wanted to introduce them to Hallmark Bingo. I mean Hallmark is intolerable, but to make it bearable we do bingo. When looking up this movie to get a picture, I did find out that the most colorful time of the year is fall foliage season. So there is that information for you.

What in the world?

While a single mother is giving eye exams to her child's school, she meets her teacher. She finds out through subtle hints that he is colorblind and works to try and fix him. And then we encounter our typical Hallmark movie plots.

Personal thoughts

This movie was freaking awful. The main lady was a villain in disguise and I will not hear anything else on the matter. She is literally trying to cure him of color blindness the entire movie like it's an incurable disease. I mean at one point in the movie, the daughter asks if her mom can cure him. To make matters worse, to cure him, she signs him up for a trial of corrective lenses without his consent. They do not talk about how wrong this is as much as they should have. I mean she does cure his black and white color blindness though with the glasses, but still. They should not have ended up together. I can't even tell you when they realized they liked each other. It just seemed like it sort of happened. Oh, the ex-boyfriend in this movie was super creepy. He would just show up at her house and they would act like it is okay. That was super weird. I think my main personal thought of this movie is the fact that she cured color blindness. I can't get over that. 


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. I hated almost everything about it. I did like how the main guy actor was when his character got color sight or whatever you want to call it. He acted like most people do when they get glasses for the first time and I feel like that was very realistic. One thing that worries me is that the director of this movie has another Christmas movie related to sight, but this time they are completely blind. I am worried about that one because this one was just so weird. We'll just have to see what happens. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher