Friday, August 6, 2021

Maxwell Saves the Day A/K/A An Easter Tale



Honestly, I cannot in my right mind tell you why I watched this movie. I guess it was just something to put on the ole t.v (Don't judge whatever that sentence was)

What in the world? 

An average, everyday bunny challenges stud bunny for the right to deliver eggs. He encounters problems in the evil woods (obviously).

Personal thoughts

I hated the two main characters. No idea why. The main hero of the film had to be the main bad guy who sings the best song of the whole film. Also apparently everything I watch has to have weird songs in it for some reason.


I have to give this film a 6/10. I think above all the bad guy song carried the whole thing. I could have cared less about the random town they showed and the plot was different. Different but boring. 

Watch what you love, 
Your fellow film watcher