Saturday, August 7, 2021

Postman Pat the Movie



If you must know, I get desperate sometimes to watch anything. This movie just looked like something that wasn't too serious or too mind numbingly awful.

What in the world?

A mailman wants to take his wife to Italy for their honeymoon. He sings well and enters a talent show. A very lackluster plot until you get deeper into the movie.

Personal thoughts

I can't believe that this movie for kids has so many references to other famous movies. I think a fun game could be to spot all the movie references that you can. Anyway, I also thought that I was slowly losing my mind but that's just normal.


I have to give this movie a 4/10. Nothing really made sense and the ending just went over my head to be honest. Things seemed to be thrown in there to add subplots and quickly resolve them at the end of the movie.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher