Amazon Prime has learned that I cannot and do not want to watch what people might think a good movie is. This movie was recommended and I just had to see what it was. The trailer was simply too enticing to pass up.
What in the world?
The main character dies and then comes back with powers. Honestly, I have no clue what the guy's name is so in this post it will be Jim. Jim then has to get his friends together to stop the evil underworld of drugs.
Personal thoughts
Be prepared for the first 15 minutes being absolutely full of cussing. It calms down throughout with the rest of the film only having 14 cuss words in it. The bad guy was a pleasure and the overall bad guy was just very confusing. Also Jim is the most boring character that they could have possibly made.
I would have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. There was a lot of fighting that began to look the same after about 10 minutes. The powers only came into the movie when it was convenient. I did enjoy Jim's powers near the end but that was about it. Also there was a guy with a blanket hoodie, shout out to him.
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Your fellow film watcher