Friday, November 12, 2021

The Legend of Sasquatch


Something about the trailer for this movie grabbed my attention. I think it was the way that the dad talked to me. It was very beautiful in ways that you could never have really predicted. 

What in the world?

Two daughters and their dad move to a shed looking building in the middle of a valley. In the short time they are there, the daughters find the Bigfoot community and help them survive.

Personal thoughts

I believe that the animation is terrifying. Other than that, why can the Bigfoot people fly? It's very unsettling to watch but it is also really funny to watch what happens in the movie. The dad talks in a very monotonous voice that tops anything I have ever heard before. The Bigfoot community has never learned English though so they have no dialogue. That just makes it all the better. 


I would have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. The giant pinecones sadly brought it up a point grade. I think as a comparison the pinecone was just as big as my hand. The movie was really funny even though I think that I laughed at all the wrong moments but that's not the point. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher