Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A Winter Princess



So, Amazon had a couple Hallmark movies for free and you know I'm a sucker for those kinds of things, so I had to watch it. Also, their portrayal of royal people is also exciting. 

What in the world?

Imagine two really bland people having top notch jobs. Ok, now imagine that as a movie where one of them is secretly a princess. I'll let you take a guess on which one is the princess. 

Personal thoughts

I remember very little about this movie. There was some skiing. My prince guy from Denmark was pretty chill for being the main love antagonist of the movie. A love antagonist is the other vying for the affection of the main character. In case you needed a little explanation of a label that I just randomly threw out there. I remember the other characters being better than the main ones. That's about it.


I would have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. I know it's harsh to give this movie a score for not remembering any of it, but it deserves a score, nonetheless. I hated the main guy. He didn't have any exciting characteristics. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher