Friday, January 14, 2022

Shark Bait



It was on my watchlist. Simplest answer I can give.

What in the world?

A fish from the city of Boston goes to meet up with his aunt after his parents become sushi. He falls in love and tries to save her from being married to a shark. He also learns ocean spinjitzu from an old, wizard turtle. 

Personal thoughts

The audience for this movie has to be brain dead kids. The jokes ranged from dumb children to adult. The shark looked horrendous and so did all of the characters to be honest. The movie had a bunch of famous actors so it's hard to determine what the movie was trying to be. If I ended up watching it, that can't mean it was supposed to be mainstream at least in my opinion (hello, see what section you're reading).


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. It was alright for what it was supposed to be. The old man turtle was the best part of the movie although I don't think he was supposed to be. He was a crazy hermit, and I would fight for him if he was a real person. The main fish was just annoying and any part of the movie in him was not a good part of the movie. Oops that's all of it.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher