Friday, January 14, 2022

Kiddo the Super Truck



I was trapped in a room and desperate for any source of entertainment. I turned to my favorite streaming service at the moment, Tubi TV. Although this movie was not the first one, I watched that day, it was certainly the last. 

What in the world?

There is no plot. Instead, it is a bunch of little story things revolving around the life of a stupid red car named Kiddo. He isn't special by the way. The movie makes you believe he is super unique but then contradict themselves by making everyone be able to do the same thing as Kiddo can do. 

Personal thoughts

Not enough car sounds. The movie did not have real car sounds but random middle aged dudes making car sounds with their mouths. That was probably the best part of the movie because the car sounds only really happened near the end. I also could have just been completely insane by that point, and anything could probably have made me laugh. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. I think the whole thing was a coming-of-age story, but it was really hard to tell. I thought that it was a bunch of little shorts with the smallest overlapping plot to connect them. Nothing was ever really explained, and it ended the same way it started. The car sounds could not save this movie even if they tried. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher