So, I might have a lot of romantic comedyesque movies saved on my watchlist and figured I might as well take some time and watch them. I randomly picked this one amongst the group and that's how we got here.
What in the world?
You know I've never really thought of the title of this section before. Right now, I have no idea what the movie was about because it jumped from thing-to-thing kind of quickly but not slow enough to understand what was actually happening. Some guy who buys businesses hits an old man with his car and he hires the old man's daughter to help him fix his broken image.
Personal thoughts
THIS MOVIE WAS BORING! That's right I'll say it. Near the end, I just could care less about what happened. My mom and I were literally talking to the screen and begging the main character to just approach the love interest and get with him even though he's the worst like almost the worst person that you could think of who isn't a war criminal. He literally proposed to her a few months after may I remind you hitting her dad with a car. AND SHE SAYS YES??? The old men in the movie really made it better, but then they ruined their cute moment by one of the two being hit by a car. What kind of sicko movie did I want to watch. Also the part about the old man being hit by a car was not part of the description I read and it was very shocking and I almost cried because he was great and didn't deserve to go out like that.
I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. It had it's moments but overall it was just drab. Less than 30 minutes in, I found myself wondering when it was going to end or what kind of plot was going to happen or whatever. I do not think that the romance in this movie should have been a thing because the two characters were opposites and yet again I have to remind you that he hit her dad with his car. I don't know just think that would be kind of dealbreaker for a person but I guess I don't know that much then.
Love Interest Guy aka Beiste (pronounced "Bee-stuh")
I despise this man. Strong way to start off this section but I can't help it. I didn't want half of the personal thoughts section to just be about this one man so here we go. He sucks. His job is literally getting people to sign away their businesses so a wealthier company can come take it and reuse it. He even says that he enjoys it and how demoralizing people is the way to go about it. First off, whoa you can like your job but maybe not to the extent that he does. Also, he was walking down the street, saw a crowd of people, and instantly thought that it was for him. It was for the grand opening of a coffee shop. For real dude, not for you and how dare you walk past someone and immediately think that it's for you. Oh he live streams as well for some reason and requires two bodyguards to protect him. I don't know how important he is but he sure does take pride in using people so that's fun. After he hits the old man, he finds his daughter who had posted a video about it and tried to bribe her with better medical care for her dad. Not okay dude. AND then he threatened to take away her dad's farm if she doesn't help him to fix his public image. He refuses to listen to her throughout most of the movie and then when he does he romanticizes it in his head which leads to him asking her for dinner and not taking no for an answer just to celebrate gaining a few followers. Weird flex and weird date. Theeeen he admits he has feelings for her and freaking proposes and that's not even the part she thought was weird. She thought it was just a ploy for his public image and that's when she runs away. I don't know what kind of romance this was but just don't follow whatever this template was because that's weird. Your decision in the end though just look for the signs.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher