I don't know but Amazon recommended this movie to me so I figured that I might as well give it a watch.
What in the world?
A girl has to go to her hometown for a family emergency and ends up trying to juggle her brother, a relationship with a guy named Jason, setting up a Christmas pageant, and meeting a deadline for her job.
Personal thoughts
The first half of the movie was pretty okay. It was also the part where I wasn't really paying too close of attention, but I do know that texting and driving will lead to the amputation of a limb so take that information and use it as you will. The plot was not that interesting, and I did not find myself genuinely interested in what any of the characters had to say. The last half of the movie the viewer is left with a lecture about Christmas from two different points of view: Christian and writer who met a deadline that she recently changed. It ends with the guy saying, "Bravo Sarah Appleton. Bravo." That is the opposite of what seeing this movie makes you feel inside. Also, who carries extra gas in their truck? Granted the guy did say it was for a snowblower or a chainsaw or something, but it seemed way too coincidental to be a thing that happens.
I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. The main character guy was pretty boring, and I don't think he had a personality. I just remember him having a "glow-up" where he went from having glasses to having abs. So that was a transformation that I could have gone without. I was taken aback and reeled back from shock at one point in the movie so that was pretty fun. I love a good Christmas romance movie but this one just wasn't it. Oh, it also had like one dance and she referred to her life as a dance a total of hm one time and even then it was really hard to spot.
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Your fellow film watcher