I needed something to watch, and this said it was a pretty popular movie, so I decided to see what the hype was from 3 people who gave it an overall 2.5 out of 5-star rating.
What in the world?
A lion is being discriminated against because he is a vegetarian. He ventures off to go find the heart of the jungle which his dead mother said would keep him safe. As he ventures forth, he picks up a bunch of stranded children and brings them with him. There's also an evil elephant who wants to be king and he tries to kill some baby elephants, but that's not important because the lion is a vegetarian. Remember that.
Personal thoughts
I thought this movie was okay if you looked past the abysmal animation. A third into the movie they begin to sing for no reason and that continues to be the case throughout the movie with a beautiful end song about something you never would have guessed: How Leo is a vegetarian. Uncle Lope (the comedic relief) is an abomination to the human eye and is horrible while he is on screen. One of my favorite parts of the movie was when they left Leo for dead after he falls off a log. There was also a really cool turtle that talked a lot and I thought it was a very relatable character.
I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. There was a horrible scene of children milking a zebra (sorry if that gave you images). They almost had elephant birth in it too which would have ruined my mind and exposed me to things that I would not have wanted to be subjected to. Leo was just a normal lion who watched his mom die and their motivation for the whole movie was not really clear which made me as a viewer very confused.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher