For once, I didn't pick this movie. My sister wanted to watch this movie so that's what we did.
What in the world?
A cow thing is named Cinderella and is mistreated by her dog stepmothers and stepsisters. They inevitably make the prince have to marry them via card game or "Hazard of Hearts" style (you are awesome if you've seen that movie). The prince's mom gets kidnapped, so they have to go free her from pirates (as seen above).
Personal thoughts
The movie wasn't that bad, and it was darker than I expected it to be. There was a shaman in it that was just there to be a narrator for when they leave at the end of the movie. I ended up rooting for the queen and her captor in the ways of love, but he was shot into the sky and never seen again so that was disappointing.
I am going to give this movie a 6 out of 10. It wasn't captivating but it was interesting. The music for the fight scenes and the chase scenes was just top notch and did not match the mood at all which just made it that much better. The bad guys were very interesting and spoiler someone dies. That's right they kill someone off. That takes guts so that's what moved the score from a 5 to a 6.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher