I needed a movie to watch, and I had seen the trailer for this movie multiple times, so I decided to give in.
What in the world?
A washed-up theatre guy goes on an expedition to lands unknown to film for his movie with an actress he picked up off the street. While there, they meet the mighty Kong (cue title) and chaos ensues.
Personal thoughts
Since it was a musical, there were a lot of strange songs that were as expected, strange. There was a forced love thing that didn't make any sense but maybe it is part of Kong and I never noticed it before. The theatre guy was annoying and I kind of wanted him to get injured in the whole process.
I am going to give this movie a 4 out of 10. It wasn't bad and it wasn't good. There were parts which I enjoyed and then there were others that were just bad. Also, the girl was just annoying but I'm glad Kong and her had a moment so that we could see something with emotion in the film. It also just kind of ends with Kong alive and in New York so here we go.
Ending potential
Kong wakes up from his near death and looks around the city. He sees the broken buildings and a single tear drops from his cheek as he sees main girl shivering in fear. She then walks up to him and wipes the tear away from his eye. She tells him that they are going to put him on his own island where no one can disturb him, and he nods in understanding. They take him to the island and leave with broken hearts, but the thriving city of New York is rebuilt and made to look like the modern-day version.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher