I had to pick something semi normal since my father was present in the room (he ended up leaving anyway), so I decided to choose this movie. It didn't look too bad and it had some pretty famous names in it. Fun fact, it's also a comic book series. I figured that out when I was looking for an opening picture to use.
What in the world?
A girl who has lived in the Tin Man's dungeon for years breaks out because she was told that she was the only one that could talk some living sense into the Tin Man. Oh also industrialization is the main enemy in this movie which is either subliminal or right in your face for the entire movie.
Personal thoughts
I loved the way that they did flashbacks in this movie. It wasn't the best way to do it, but I loved when they would put random words of the narrative in the flashback so you could really understand the points that they were trying to make. The scarecrow was my favorite character because he was just so casual about literally everything. Oh, you're decapitated. Not that big of a deal.
I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. I enjoyed the plot and the Tin Man was a pretty impressive bad guy. In looks, absolutely not in motivation. The main characters really meant nothing to me and the secondary characters were probably the better if I had to pick. Also, the scarecrow becomes the turning point in the movie and it's not really explained why or at least I can't remember if it was.
The film and death (spoilers incoming)
Ok half of this movie was fight scenes and I have to talk about it. Don't have a character stop breathing. That implies that they are dead. Finished. Forgotten. You can't just show the same people who aren't breathing and then have them come back minutes later to fulfill a rating to let children watch it. If you have a character's plane go down in an explosion. Hate to break it to you but they are dead. They don't come back. None of these are ever explained and this frustrates me. I believed all those characters died because they had stopped moving. The cluthas (imagine tigers but sadder) were dead when they were lifted up and slammed on top of soldiers. Those soldiers are dead because their ribs are broken. They don't just magically come to life. Yes, you could argue that they are in the land of Oz and they should be fine but let me point out the Tin Man's wife. The whole reason industrialization became a thing. She was dying because the magic in Oz was not enough to help her anymore. Therefore making the magic an inexcusable thing to cure death. If all the witches couldn't save one munchkin, what makes you think that everyone in the war was going to magically live? In conclusion, I believe that most of the characters we were introduced to should have died and the film would have had more weight to it. Yes, I understand that this movie is for kids just let me have this.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher