I'm going to be honest and say that I missed Wownow for a bit. Not because of its static animation but because of the dialogue. Hence the watching of this movie.
What in the world?
If you read my blog, you might remember a little something called Love Birds or something along the lines of that. Think singing competition combined with curse with the same characters from the other movie. Perfect Wownow recipe.
Personal thoughts
Oh the dialogue. The horrible songs. I love all of it. I think my taste in movies has been broken but that doesn't mean that I can't still enjoy normal things. There was a strange alien guy who I had never seen before so that was nice and a gorilla and a hippo sang a song about knowing their man was cheating on them. That was a surprise and I don't know if that was a good or a bad thing. The birds were boring but Emett was cool. Emmett was a stupid newt with self esteem issues. He was my favorite until the alien. The alien had the best name and he did not deserve the hate that was thrown his way.
I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. I enjoyed it for the most part and couldn't help but get nostalgia for the olden days. Lil Wings Fresh Quills was in it so that made the movie 10 times better than it could have been if it was just them in space singing or something. It had the ingredients of every Wownow movie and that's why it gets a 4.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher