Saturday, May 7, 2022

A Royal Christmas Engagement



I'm a sucker for Christmas romance movies that have royalty in it and this one has been on the watchlist for a while. 

What in the world?

An ad executive is trying to prove to her boss that she can do an ad campaign and for some reason a businessman from England (prince in disguise) has to help her.

Personal thoughts

This movie got boring real fast. Nothing seemed to happen and by the end where we got to the 15-minute conflict. The prince was also super dumb, but the main character was even worse. My sister and mom almost forgot what her name was which was honestly super sad. If I can't even remember the name of a character than how can you expect me to remember the important parts of your movie. Some guy kind of looked like Kylo Ren so that was pretty cool. He suffered a tragic fate according to the end narration though. 


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. I hate how nothing happened. I want things to happen but then nothing happened. The only exciting thing that happened was an old man in the background. Characters in the background are hard to navigate I understand that, but this guy was in the background every time they switched the camera angle. That was the best part. Oh, the main characters get engaged for some reason without any semblance of a time lapse since how long they had known each other before the engagement. Guess they had to live up to the title somehow.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher