Saturday, May 14, 2022

Lights, Camera, Romance



The twin dude from the Identical Love movie was in this one so I just had to watch it since his depth as an actor was so intriguing. 

What in the world?

Spoiled later in this section so ignore if you actually want to watch. Based loosely on Jane Austen's Emma, an actress tries hooking people up and then realizes her best friend is someone that she loves, and she stops trying to set people up. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was something. I don't know anything about Jane Austen so I was kind of in the dark but it is a romantic comedy so I could still understand it.  The main lady was super boring and she was also kind of annoying. Something about the traits she possessed just made her kind of hard to like as a character. The best friend wasn't really in this movie as much as I thought he would be and that's fine because he owned two maps so that's always a downside. There were a lot of shots of the city which was cool I guess but every scene change would include an establishing shot of the city. Weird thing to do in my opinion.


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. It had some value to it but overall it just wasn't that good. My sister posed a very philosophical prompt because of it though. "Imagine being an actress in a movie and playing an actress trying to be a person or a character for a different movie." That's something that I want you, the reader, to think about.

Justice for Hope

Hope was a victim in this situation. Moving to a different state with no family is a hard feat I would assume. Now imagine being bombarded by someone right as you move in and they're trying to set you up with someone. That's what happened to Hope. She is set up with Emma's agent and he does not like her because he is in love with Emma. So then moving on (she wasn't hurt), she was getting food and she sees him at a restaurant. She tries to make small talk with him where he continues to yell at her and call her boring causing a scene in the establishment. She then starts to like the best friend as she gets to know him and after they went out for a while, she realizes that he is in love with Emma and she dumps him so he can be with Emma. In Emma, Hope's character would have gotten together with a cool farmer guy (according to my mother) and she would have been happy because farmer guy was the person she loved all along but in the end she just sticks with focusing on her work as a dentist. Very fun life choices if you ask me.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher