Carousels are a staple in my family so a Christmas movie with one is even better.
What in the world?
Restoration people go to the kingdom of Ancadia to restore a carousel for a Christmas present.
Personal thoughts
This movie was bad. I fell asleep during this movie and I can say that most people watching probably wanted to fall asleep too. They said that it was a misuse of carousels and was not a very good indicator/use of carousels and that it should never have been made. I think I have to agree with them it was pretty bad.
I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. The old man trying to get rid of his manor was great and that was nice. He sang a song while it got awkward. Well that's weird without context but I can't say any more or it would be considered a spoiler. Even more than it already was kind of. That's ok though. Oh the main lady's dad finds a romance partner too but that's not as exciting.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher