Welcome to the month of July or if you're not reading this in July then imagine it's July. It is the month of Christmas so it's nice to have an influx of Hallmark movies.
What in the world?
A woman wants to work in Vegas for variety shows and must find help from her former boyfriend/employee to find replacements for her show.
Personal thoughts
This was an okay movie. It was nice to not have conflict. KIDDING! What kind of Hallmark movie is it if there isn't any conflict. I mean like come on you can't just not give me love interest conflict. Things need to happen. Anyway there wasn't even a conflicting love interest in the movie so it all felt too easy honestly. It didn't need to be like that it could have been ten times better. I could have written a more interesting movie than this.
I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. It was fine but I mean so are most Hallmark movies. All the acts that were put on that involved music of any kind were really bad. I mean when the people watching with me heard the guy on the left sing we were kind of impressed. He sung again later and it was really bad. The acapella and rock group that played were also really bad. I would like to inform you that one of the words in a song was Decemberin. I want you to use that in the real world and confuse people.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher