Monday, July 18, 2022

Death Curse of Tartu



Movies from way back when are some of the best things to watch if you want a horroresque movie. It tries but in the end it just isn't enough to get your blood pumping too hard. 

What in the world?

A group of teens and an oldish man go around camping and disturb the grounds of an ancient witch doctor that has very limited shape shifting abilities: Snake, alligator, and shark. LAME

Personal thoughts

This movie started off strong. Teens randomly dancing after being insulted. Really bad snake killings. It had it all. Too bad it just kind of died off though. Sadly, I fell asleep twice but I was assured that I hadn't missed anything since it was just a girl screaming for over 5 minutes. THAT'S TOO LONG! I swear I fell asleep while she was screaming and woke up to her still screaming. How does someone even realistically scream that long. Whatever it's fine. SPOILER: She dies from a single alligator bite anyway she was weak. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. There was a lot of weird things that left me with questions once the movie was over. I mean it had a weird plot and I appreciated the witch doctor killing people as a shark in Florida. Did I mention that it was in Florida? None of the characters had redeemable qualities and that's what brought this movie down. The death scenes were pretty funny though so that's what brought it up a point in my book. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher