I don't even have to say why for these kinds of movies. CHRISTMAS IN JULY + HALLMARK!
What in the world?
A person who works for National Foods or something goes to the town of you'd never guess (COOKIE JAR) to buy out a factory of cookies. An old factory of cookies that was still in business mind you.
Personal thoughts
I thought this movie was ok. The Christmas tropes get thrown at you from left and right at the beginning and then they die down throughout the rest of the movie which is very disappointing. I didn't like any of the characters in this but I mean the main love interest got better near the end. For some reason in this movie, a little girl sang a song and you as the viewer had to listen to it and it was so awkward and weird.
I have to give this a 2 out of 10. Believe me I did not find much enjoyment in this movie. Who has a movie with cookie in the title and yet they never decorate cookies. That's not normal and that's not ok. The boss character in this movie liked cookies a lot. I don't know I just felt like I had to add that in there because it's basically what saved their factory from becoming a lean clean corporate machine.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher