This looked horrendous from the picture (not this one) so I had to check it out. It also had a couple names I recognized so there was that too.
What in the world?
A frog is having identity issues. That's basically the gist of the movie.
Personal thoughts
No. This movie was just very weird. I suppose it had some good things like the song that played during the credits but I mean other than that it didn't do much. The animation was weird and every animal that was a side character was a racist stereotype somehow. The worst one probably was the Indian bat but the French spider was pretty bad. Oh the German manatees are also bad I forgot about them. The movie's progress was so slow. I felt like nothing was happening but then everything was happening. They liked to throw things in there that would eventually lead to plot progression.
I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. It had its moments and the crocodile was pretty cool. I mean the spider teleported sometimes and that was pretty cool. I think every animal teleported at least once in this movie and that's something that needs to be appreciated. The plot was almost nonexistent but I mean the main character complained all the time. I think he had the self confidence of lets say a rock. It was really bad and you just wanted him to shut up the whole time.
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Your fellow film watcher