It was short enough to put on to see who would leave the room. SPOILER: No one left the room it was too good.
What in the world?
A Christmas tree is depressed that he can't actually be a Christmas tree.
Personal thoughts
For being a third of the length of an actual movie this was pretty legit. Granted some of the songs were just eck, not all of them were terrible. I think I liked Christopher's song at the end where he talked about his life. Hooty or whatever his name was was amazing. I loved him and would die for him. Thankfully he's not real so I can keep on living.
I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. It kept me entertained the entire time and I didn't complain about watching it. Could it have been better of course, but you got to love those old Christmas movies. I mean the president even gave a speech about Christ and Christmas and Christopher. Like what kind of movie would do that nowadays none. What kind of movie would have the tree ready to make his life the ultimate sacrifice to the world. Not any other movie I'm pretty sure.
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