Saturday, August 6, 2022

Christopher Columbus


I needed something to watch and this was what I happened to choose.

What in the world?

It's what the title says really and there's not much else to it. A lot less than what the title says as well.

Personal thoughts

This movie man. It was not good. The transitions were actual trash and Columbus liked to stare a lot. The only way to tell the passage of time in this movie was his hats. The worst hat though was this ugly green bonnet that he wore when he was relocating. You should never ever have to see this bonnet. But you also should see it just to know what it looks like. I'll spare you here though. 


I have to give this movie a 1 out of 10. Not good man. Not good at all. Go Diego and every other supporting character because Columbus was super boring to follow around the whole time. I did like how they ended the movie with him smashing an egg on a table that was super neat.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher