Monday, September 5, 2022

Pumpkin Pie Wars


It's that time of year again so you know that means Hallmark movies that take place at fall festivals.

What in the world?

A feud between friends is supposed to go down to their children but I mean obviously not because then there would be no movie. 

Personal thoughts

I think I enjoyed this movie more than some of the other Hallmark ones we've watched and it has one of the stupidest titles ever. I mean the characters were the same as usual but the side characters were pretty good. The dads continuing to play golf while the moms bickered was one of the best solutions to a problem I have ever seen. 


I have to give this movie a 8 out of 10. The way the characters won the competition was cheap only because Petty Betty took parts of their recipes. I don't really know why she did that but she did and lost the competition and her friends. It really came out of left field because she didn't really have that character trait beforehand. But my family was rooting for Gail to win. Too bad she competed in the first round one group with the main characters so she was bound to stay in the first round. We didn't know there were other groups until they randomly said group three or two. That was so weird. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher