I saw this movie a couple of days ago and thought it was something that I needed to see. I was wrong by the way.
What in the world?
Three kids are sent back to pirate days for a reason that I don't really know.
Personal thoughts
This movie was okay. The only song with lyrics in it wasn't even good though so that was a disappointment. My favorite character got killed off too which made the movie even worse the rest of the time since it felt kind of boring.
I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. The effort was there to make something exciting but it just kind of ends. There's not even any resolution really it just kind of sends them back and we don't see anything other than that. It would have been nice to do a follow-up with the boys to see how they were doing mentally and what not since the one kid had an emotional attachment to the pirate queen.
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Your fellow film watcher