Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Prince of Dinosaurs



I've seen this movie floating around for a couple of years so I decided to go ahead and watch it. 

What in the world? 

A boy drifts in and out of sleep as he narrates and stars in a story about whaaat the prince of dinosaurs?!

Personal thoughts

This movie felt like a fever dream after a while. Granted I was already slightly losing my mind this just made it worse. In a good way of course. There was an amazing dinosaur doing an amazing clap and I can't even describe to you what it looked like. It was beautiful though just you know that. I mean the main characters were kind of annoying but the side characters were pretty cool. Well the main characters either did too much or nothing at all so there was no in between for them. 


I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. It kept me entertained and I had some laughs along the way. I mean I may or may not be broken by now but that's irrelevant. The movie was pretty good and the rocks moving were terrifying. I've you have seen it then you know what I mean when I say that. It's only specific characters. There was a cool jaguar, tiger, big cat thing that was a pretty cool character so yeah. Worth a watch I would think.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher