It's a Hallmark movie and it was movie night. That's all that really needs to be said. Also, Yosemite is pretty cool. I've never been though so I could be wrong.
What in the world?
A photographer/writer goes to Yosemite to take pictures/make a book and needs a guide to show her around.
Personal thoughts
This movie was very helpful. I learned how to deal with coyotes and bears. I mean that's like two animals that are in my region and I don't go outside often so it's nice to have these little tips once in a while. The movie was pretty standard except this movie felt more like an informational piece than a regular Hallmark movie. I mean the conflict happened real close to the end and it wasn't even that exciting. SPOILER: The guy just sounded too smart so he dumbed down his words. It was very dumb. They also got married at the end but it looked really sad and it happened really fast. I recommend watching that part if you just want to get ideas for what not to have as your wedding. I mean besides the scenery that part was stunning throughout.
I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. It wasn't special and it felt pretty average. I mean the actors looked the same but I also felt like I was in school. I learned about national parks and the people that were on the land before the parks became parks. I also listened to them namedrop Ansel Adams a lot because the girl wanted to be like him which is cool I guess. I just had never really heard this man namedropped before this movie so it was really interesting to have that happen. The guy was boring. I almost forgot about that. He liked to climb and he lived outdoors. He was a nature guy through and through but never forget that he also liked science. And don't we just all love science!
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher