Friday, October 21, 2022

The Mannequin



Just the mannequin in the picture looks really weird so I thought that I should try and watch it just to see what it was. 

What in the world?

A prototype bails ship and tries to free himself from some space pirates so that they don't kill him. There's really no other plot except space pirates and a prototype trying to be free. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was almost 100% a scam. I mean if I had paid money for this I would have been disappointed. I mean don't get me wrong I loved it but it was just kind of weird. I mean the google-generated voices were kind of off-putting but I got used to them after a while. My favorite character died. This always seems to happen when I have a favorite character and I demand that movies stop doing that. It was also like the only character that wasn't auto-generated by Google. It's a sign for the future.


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. I could barely tell what was happening half of the time let alone understand what the plot was. Random monsters would just appear out of nowhere and do some stuff while the prototype would just kill them because all creatures are evil or something. I mean the dude even killed a deer who was just "eating" some grass. It looked like he was slamming his head into the ground but I mean all the animation in this movie was jacked. It was worth a laugh though. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher