I saw this movie while scrolling through Tubi and decided that it was a must watch.
What in the world?
Puss 'N Boots is helping his owner to woo a princess so that he can be with her forever because he loves to listen to her sing. That's about it really.
Personal thoughts
I thought the movie was really bad but I loved it. I mean it sucked and William Shatner's voice choice for Puss was very funny. Oh yeah William Shatner a very famous actor is in this movie. My favorite character, the ogre, did not get the justice that he deserved. All he wanted to do was be a swan and they denied him that one privilege. #JusticeforOgre. But the songs in this movie were very strange to say the least. I mean they were really bad. Puss singing was very bad and I hated it so much. It was an abomination.
I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. I hated everything about Puss and the Chamberlain were my least favorite characters. Oh I forgot to mention that the king was asleep for the whole movie. If I recall correctly, the poor king had no speaking lines. Also the jester of the movie was really confusing and his motivations were very unknown and confusing. He helped the miller's son to win the favor of the princess even though he knew that he was lying. I don't know what his game was but everything worked out in the end anyway so I guess it doesn't matter.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher